Our Own Christmas Traditions

I would never really describe me/us as a traditional person/family. I remember thinking as a child that traditional things are highly likely to be something boring, but now I’ve changed my mind.

Since realising that you can basically make your own traditions up, I feel more compelled to try out new things of our own accord and see how they work out.

When it comes to Christmas we still do everything the same way as was done when I was a kid. Christmas presents, visit family, advent calendars, Christmas music on the radio, Christmas TV specials, maybe even a walk out somewhere cold (and probably muddy). But since we have been parents, New traditions are starting to weave their way into our annual celebrations.

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Our Own Christmas Traditions

Our Miscarriages

I’ve been postponing this post for a long time and I’ve been trying to forget the situations that we have been through. Reading other blog posts on this subject helped me realise that it’s time to tell our story. It also helped me realised just how unbelievably lucky we are compared to other poor souls.

Yes, we have had multiple miscarriages. This is our story.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

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Our Miscarriages

Back to School! Tips for Year 1

Apart from checking to see if all the homework has been done, here’s some extra tips going into the new academic year, especially if your sprog is going into year one. Find out what to expect and the essential parental inner knowledge you might need.

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Back to School! Tips for Year 1

Hilarious Things My 2 Year Old Says

Toddler E has only just turned 2 and is already talking like mad. She just seems to pick up any phrase she hears and either says it, or attempts to say it. Dangerous time, let me tell you!

She does seem to be a bit young to be able to say these things, but hey she’s got competition to be dealing with!

Here’s a list of things she’s saying that she has picked up from our family and friends. Does anyone else have to put up with this level of abuse?:

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Hilarious Things My 2 Year Old Says

Best Time to Change from a Cot to a Bed

A question facing many parents (especially first timers) is ‘at what age do we change from a cot to a bed?’.

With worries like ‘but he/she wriggles so much all night and will end up falling out of bed’ and ‘I can’t be arsed to convert the cot/buy a bed!’ may make you want to leave the task for a little longer. But the fact is, that you can’t keep them in there for too long. Something needs to be done!

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Best Time to Change from a Cot to a Bed

What To Do if Your Child Has Threadworms

Well here is a lovely subject! But the truth is that this pesky little blighters are as common as head lice and can give you little ones an upset tummy and an itchy bum, or no symptoms whatsoever. They are highly contagious and there is an increased risk repeat infection. Read on for more info…

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What To Do if Your Child Has Threadworms

10 Points of Advice for People Thinking About Becoming a Parent

There’s been a lot of negative posts around the interwebs recently about parenting and how people perceive things they come across in modern day life. This led me to start thinking about how I’d take this information if I was thinking about having kids for the first time. So I decided to put this short post together.


So, assuming you have the basics (saved up a bit of money, a house safe enough and some local support you can rely on) here’s 10 things I’d tell you if you asked me today:

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10 Points of Advice for People Thinking About Becoming a Parent

The Softplay Police Squad

With it being the summer holidays and all, I decided to take both my kids to the softplay this week. Baby E would just have a bit of a sleep and a bottle while A played in the main softplay area.

A is a very confident little lady and will make friends everywhere she goes. Pretty much everyone knows when she’s arrived at the scene!


Whilst I was giving Baby E her bottle, A came back to the table and told me that another girl had hit her upper right arm and punched her, while demonstrating a slap across the face.

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The Softplay Police Squad

First Time Camping and Advice

Good afternoon all!

My daughter and I recently went on our first camping trip. It was a laid back job for one night, just to get her used to the idea and to make sure I have all the right kit for a longer camp.

We went to a place called Llyn Gwnnant in Snowdonia. It’s a ‘close to nature’ type camp site, so radios etc are banned. On arrival we met up with some good friends who had also brought their kids hoping for a relaxed holiday away from home.

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First Time Camping and Advice

How We Manage (the Very Important) Bedtime

Regular and persistent routine. It’s our key to unlocking more time for my wife and I to do things for ourselves and each other. After all we need to relax and have some time out too, but only when everything is properly prepared for the next day of course!


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How We Manage (the Very Important) Bedtime